We are pretty excited! Brandon finally got a job...well it's temporary, but it's going to be full time for a couple of months and could become permanent. It's with a company that works on schools...he will be a superintendent for various projects going on this summer...mainly at Frisco High School, which isn't too bad of a drive either. He started yesterday and really has enjoyed it and likes the company a lot. We are so grateful and appreciate all the support from our wonderful family and friends!
I start my weekly appointments on Monday, June 1st...so this baby will be here soon. We are all very excited..especially Sarah..she tells me to "take the baby out, I want to hold it" all the time. She and Kaden, both, are very excited to have a new little sister. I am busy getting everything ready and chasing these two around. It'll be much easier when I'm not 8 months pregnant.
The summer is slowly starting here in Texas, but so far we have had beautiful weather and lots of rain. It has been very nice not to have super hot heat yet. I've been very grateful anyway. Brandon is now serving as the Executive Secretary at church , which means mom gets the kids ready and brings them to church on her own, but we're excited about it and know he'll really enjoy it. I am now in the primary presidency, as well as the music chairman. I get to play the organ during Sacrament meeting and the piano for choir. I enjoy it.
We are all happy and healthy and hope all is well for everyone!