Saturday, June 25, 2016

Happy Birthdays June babies!

Joint birthday party was successful! Happy 2nd Levi (6/19) and 7th Mady (6/23)! We love you both so much! #sharingbdaysisgreatformomanddad #somedaytheymightcare #wemissyousarah

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy 2nd bday Levi!

This little guy turned 2 today! Oh how we love our little Levi!

Here's some of his recent dance moves!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Exciting stuff!

We are all so excited about baby #6! I had my first appointment last week and they did some blood work. The nurse called today to let me know the results were normal and low-risk. She also had the results of the baby's gender but I asked her if she would please write it down and put it in an envelope. She was happy to do that. Brandon decided he would like to pick it up and figure out how we would tell the kids. He came up with this! He is so creative. Hope you enjoy the videos!