Ray Roberts Lake, Sept 17-18
Well, I survived my first camping trip in Texas...barely. Really it was so much fun and very memorable...just very very humid, even at night, which is what I really wasn't used to. We really enjoyed ourselves though, especially the kids. Kaden was in heaven and just didn't stop for one second. We had good food, except for the pineapple upside down cake that Brandon burnt. I was proud the next morning when I successfully baked cinnamon rolls in the mini-dutch oven. They were delicious. We have misplaced our tent that is large enough for all of us and all our stuff, so thankfully Brandon's aunt and uncle had donated some gear to us and we had a spare. However we all didn't fit in it. So the girls and I slept in it, Kaden slept with Grandma and Brandon slept outside our tent on a tarp, under the stars. It worked out fine. We cleaned up in the morning and headed to take a dip in the lake. That was wonderful. The water was so refreshing. We had a wonderful time with Brandon's mom and sister Erin's family.