Just the girls!
Mommy and the girls!
Kaden & Daddy!
We talked about the real meaning of Easter all week long. The kids really know now what it's all about, well Kaden and Sarah anyway. They did an awesome job singing "Did Jesus Really Live Again?"(#10 on playlist) with their primary in Sacrament Meeting. Kaden hasn't really ever wanted to go up there to sing since he's been in primary, and it was Sarah's first time. Together they both did great! Then in primary during their sharing time, the teacher was talking about the story of Easter again. She told about when Jesus' body was missing from the tomb and asked, "where was Jesus?" Sarah was the only sunbeam sitting on the front row and she shouted out, "he was resurrected!" It was so sweet! We are truly grateful for the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ and loved celebrating Him this Easter.