Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween 2011

Here are the few photos I took from our Halloween experience this year.  This was the first night of trunk-r-treating at our annual ward Halloween party.  The kids also got to go to their grandparents trunk-r-treat night and we took them to the nearby church for a wonderful time as well.  They got to ride ponies, play in jump houses, get toy balloons and free snow cones and cotton candy.  It was so much fun and within walking distance.  We were considering taking them door-to-door since we've never done that before, but we had so much candy already and were just worn out, so we called it quits.  It was a great Halloween, but we are soooo happy that it is now NOVEMBER and that means a new little sister will be here shortly!  Mom is feeling so great and almost prepared for the new baby to arrive!  She'll be here in 3 weeks or less most likely.

     This is Mady trying on the baby ghost hat...she's so hilarious.

 and Sarah in her hat!

Our Strawberry Shortcake Princess, Ladybug and Cowboy (John Wayne)

Off to trunk-r-treat!

1 comment:

MEGMAR said...

i cant believe you are due in 3 weeks!! boy does time by looking at the pictures i would never have known! you look great!