Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011!

Merry Christmas 2011
Another year has gone by…so quick!  We have had a very eventful year, which is most likely why it has flown by for us.  We started hunting for houses in February and were officially homeowners by mid-May.  We spent the hot Texas summer unpacking and spending lots of time in the water at our neighborhood pool or in our new back yard!  We feel very blessed to have such a beautiful home. 
On November 21st, we welcomed our beautiful little Valerie Daisy to the family.  She was 7 pounds, 2.5 ounces and 19 ¾ inches long.  She is healthy and doing wonderful! 
Brandon has been through a lot of change this year; job changes twice, working with young men/scouts again at church, still riding his bike and starting school again.  He is getting his MBA during the evenings at the University of Texas-Dallas.  He just finished his first semester and it really went well.  He loves coming home to play with kids, relax and work in the garage if he has time.
Kaden turned 6 years old in August and is enjoying another year of kindergarten.  He is doing so well this year and we are very happy with the decision. Kaden started basketball this year and is really enjoying that.  He is such a sweet big brother and such a joy to mom as well.  He is still in love with swords and has just started getting into the “Lego” thing.  He is especially happy when dad allows him stay up late to watch a “John Wayne” movie or a “Mash” episode with him.  He loves to spend any time he can with his dad!
Sarah turned 4 this year and tells everyone she will be 5 in April!  She attends Pre-K every morning at the same school as Kaden.  They ride the bus together each morning.  She doesn’t really enjoy it though, because she says, “the bus goes in circles and takes too long.”  Sarah absolutely loves to draw, color, and craft; basically anything that involves paper, glue, markers and scissors.  She is taking her 2nd year of ballet class once a week and really enjoys herself.  She is in love with her new baby sister, Valerie, and a great help to mom as well. 
Madyson, our 2 year old, is very busy and also enjoying her new baby sister.  She loves to play on her own with her baby dolls and strollers, but also wants to do exactly what her older siblings are doing, whether it’s coloring with Sarah or building Lego’s with Kaden.  Her favorite person however is her daddy. If he is at home, most likely, Mady is sitting on his lap or right by his side. 
The mom, Maria, loves her job!  It is challenging a lot of the time, but so much fun most of the time.  I have enjoyed attending a stamping club this year here in Texas and am playing the piano for choir and leading the children’s music in church.  I have also started teaching piano lessons and am thoroughly enjoying it.  I am so grateful for an amazing husband, family and support from so many.  I couldn’t do my “job” without all of them.  We are blessed to live so close to Brandon’s family and have been able to visit my family in Utah this summer, and have my sister Liz, and her two boys, and my mom visit as well this year.  We love our amazing family!
We want to wish each of you a very merry Christmas and happy new year.  We are so grateful for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and for all that He has made possible for us.  We love Him and know that He loves us! 

With love always, The Hauth Family 

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