This past week our computer said good-bye... well we think. I'm off to the apple store tomorrow to see if it's salvageable. Hopefully I'm at least able to get some things off it that are pretty important...PHOTOS! So we'll see. Erin & Bryan were gracious enough to hand it down to us when they upgraded their computer, so it is a little outdated for an apple computer, but we're hoping for the best! I am able to use Brandon's laptop when he gets home for the day... if I have time. Things always seem to get crazier after 5 pm around here. Sooo it's now 11 pm... but here's our little update.
We've had a very busy month of sickness in our house and we hope that it is finally going to pass. We're not 100% yet, but very close I feel. Baby Valerie is doing wonderful. She is so sweet and just changing everyday. I have some fun pics to post of her and will do that as soon as I can. She is so happy and smiley when she is awake, which still isn't very often. That girl is the best baby ever. Eats and sleeps on schedule everyday and is even sleeping 8 hours a night!!
It seems like the summer blues have already set in with Kaden. He is not too excited about going to school anymore. I'm not sure if it's because he has had to stay home for so many days from being sick and has realized how much fun it can be, or if he's just getting tired and burnt out? But we're working on his motivation by paying him to read! Yep, we're giving him $1 for every 5 books he reads... and it's totally working! He has started some piano lessons and is picking it up very quickly.... makes Mom proud! Although he had to miss 2 basketball games due to pneumonia, he is still really enjoying himself and has a few games left. He will start soccer this week and is very excited to try something new. It'll will interested for a few weeks while the two sports overlap.
Sarah has had not been herself lately... not feeling well and dropping out of dance may have had more of an effect on her than we realized. We decided to take a little break from ballet since she will be starting soccer tomorrow. He Daddy is her coach and she is so excited about it and has been wearing the shin guards her cousin Raelee lent her around the house all day. She still loves school, but seems to also be getting a little worn out. (I guess it's just about time for spring break or something?)
Mady has also been sick off and on throughout the month. She is soooo busy and talking sooo much. It is so cute. She is so stuck on her daddy and he eats every minute of it up.
School is going well for Brandon. Luckily this semester he is only having to go once a week. It makes for a very long day for him on Thursday cause he goes directly from work to school which goes until 10 pm, but then he's done for the week. We like it. I have to brag on him for a minute. Last month he started walking with some friends in the ward who he works with in scouts at church, and they have diligently met every morning at 4:45 AM!! to walk/exercise for the past month! Amazing! It has been very enjoyable for him and I continue to be very impressed!
It has been an adjustment and continues to be an adjustment to have four children now. I do feel that I am starting to get the hang of things, but know that will be a continuing process as the baby grows and changes. But for now, I'm hanging in there. I am truly grateful to be a mother and even though it is very challenging at times, it is what makes me the happiest. I appreciate all my mother/parents did for me more and more as I continue to experience motherhood. I am very grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and to the the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It gives me great strength and helps me through the most difficult of moments. I love it and don't know how I'd function without it!
Well that is our update for now. Sorry there are no pics... but I will get them soon.
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